Sedona Awakening

The road to Sedona, highway 89, is curvy and shady. It runs along a strong creek. The setting the mood switch was turned on for the sweet surprise up ahead.

Avo/ Rice/ Hot Sauce

Air is still crisp in March but the Arizona sun is packing the heat. I decided to stretch while I have the warmth at Encinoso Picnic Area.

Banana- Peanut Butter Sandwich 

Next thing I know I'm half way up a mountain postured in warrior pose. The desert air leaves my soul refreshed. Sedona made me fall back in love with rugged landscape I have been driving through for the last two days.

After leaving my sacred space on the hillside I pass more red rock formations on the busy road. I pass through the touristy drag of Sedona boosting roadside cafes, gem shops, and designer boutiques.

Sedona is known mostly for its art galleries, energy centers, and spa facilities. Catering to those with buck but I found my Zen for free in the weeds under a bright blue sky. 

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