The Lay of Ometepe

I sla Vida
Mi amigos on Ometepe

S tep up to the plate
Dodger blue and Angel red out here in Nicaragua
L ake Nicaragua
The calm before the storm
view of: Volcano Moyogalpa

A nimals on the Loose
Puerco anyone?
Owl Eye Butterfly 

D on't come unprepared: cash/grass/sleeping bag

I could spend a lot of coin listening to this guy,
 on the way to Rivas, Nicaragua.

E l Zopilote
Map of Grounds

O jos De Agua
The refreshing mineral water is heavy in fluidity but leaves skin and spirit moisturized. 

M oonlight Showers

E co Tourism Benefits
Finca El Zopilote
"Finca" means a land to cultivate
"El Zopilote" means the vulture

ough Way in and out

E xplore the shores

P escado Fresco

E centric Vibes 

Some travelers say it is a place for hippies to live out  there isolated Eco- centric lifestyle. In a sense I see the dimension of space and the no emphasis on time qualities making this a great destination  for some  who are more intellectually stimulated by nature and not technology. Ometepe is not for the weak but for the strong who can preserve their sanity through the creative areas of their being. One girl couldn't stand it because she had nothing to do but there were some that begged their friends for more time to stay and savor this freedom land. 

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