Governor Brown and his ideas

For once I read an article that doesn't make go against the governor’s ideas. I usually side with the right on illegal immigration but when it comes to taxes I side with Jerry. I think Jerry Brown is just trying to do the most productive job he can as governor. 

Whether that’s a good or bad thing is all subjective on what side you sit on. I sit on the side that favors taxing the incomes of those individuals who make over $250,000. Personally, I think a lot of those richer individuals can bend a little to help out the state they reside in and has brought them a good life. 

People need to remember that your community is only as strong as its weakest citizen. Those individuals who have less to enjoy, deserve to pay less in taxes.
As I said those who have smaller incomes should have to contribute less. I also hope the governor does not raise all sales tax. We are trying to boost the economy by making purchases and getting the market back to a profitable age.

 I know when I go to pay for a purchase and tax is added onto it, I get a little frustrated. I should though come to understand that the taxes I pay for go back to me and my education according to the new tax initiative.
Link to:
Governor Jerry Brown's Plan

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