Shades of gray in Monteverde

In Monteverde, Costa Rica I had some anxiety to fall asleep. Maybe it was just the cold dampness surrounding my feet. I had five days left in my trip, I think my body knew something was ending and did not want it to. I was falling asleep way too late and waking up when it was still dark.

It turned into a routine. Getting up and wrapping myself in my undone sleeping bag and lying on the lone hammock over the tiled patio. I sat there in the pitch black waiting for daylight to arrive.

I listened to the birds immaturely wake up, probably making noise to stay warm. Those couple of hours before dawn are the chilliest; like if the earth jumps into a river, showering itself of  yesterday.

My nose crisps up when the distinct smell of rain hits. The drizzle brings to life the forest. The sky turns greyish as the sun pops its head out somewhere from the east. The trees begin to form along with the blueness above them. And like a morning smile across the sky, a double rainbow.

Five hours later I'm strapped into harness and flying over rainforest canopy. Extremo Canopy offers a pickup from my hostel Cabinas Eddy (both recommended) and a push-off to the longest canopy tour. I love this thrilling junk and after bungee jumping... "I thought this would be easy."

Crossing a cable line takes somewhat more effort- having to pace yourself with your left hand on the cable and not being to mesmerized by the illuminating green hills and snow capped mountains. From one direction I could even see the Pacific Ocean.

Monkeys holler as you walk from platform to platform. The course had a tarzan swing which plunged you 200 feet in seconds- about ripped out my heart and upchucked breakfast into my throat. That was enough- too many adrenaline orgasms for me in one day.

I settled down at the local hot spot Taco Taco with a laid-back Swedish gal. We orderd for four and chugged back Cervesa Imperial catching up on our adventures and planned route after this. 

The next day was less full on; I caught the school bus for a trip to Reserva Biologica Bosque NubosoMonteverde, aka Cloud Forest- queue Sublime with Rome song

A day full of hiking the senderos (trails) to see each mirador (viewpoint). This made me giggle because when you think of a viewpoint you may imagine some grandiose combination of plants, sky, and water. But here you got only blankness of the clouds, it was like looking into foggy water.

Not to mention the wind that swirled the clouds, reminding me of a fog machine on full blast at a rave. My appreciation grew for the protection under the tree canopies.

This reserve was so big that  in the middle was a mini replica of the Golden Gate bridge- ha-ha not really. The footbridge was like an internal midline through the rainforest; trees above, below and all around. It was a vastness of something that engulfed your entire being and let your soul know everything was going to be ok. I made it to this place by myself; this was the closure I needed for this trip.

The following day I left for the grimy and crowded capital San Jose to catch a plane home. I snuck in a good dinner and a visit to a contemporary art museum. I discuss it because I saw a piece of art- a shovel stamped out with Mexico, Central America, and surrounding islands. There was a connection made with these cultures- the trip was powerful at digging up emotion, endurance, and heritage.

Viva la Raza!

Hummingbird Sanctuary at Reserva Biologica Bosque Reserva

Local artisan merch outside Taco Taco

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